Age of empires 2 basic build order
Age of empires 2 basic build order

age of empires 2 basic build order age of empires 2 basic build order

Sustainability : slightly worse than standard in the long run, but usually better if the fight last 20-30 min or less I usually go this way cuz I want to have more cards out before fight starts, build up to 30 vil in Age1 and go straight for Age4, get the church upgrade card asap.Īge2(Tlaxcala) → Central America → Mexico → Age5(Oaxaca) Starting resource : slightly better than standard routeĪrmy strength : you don't get the Aztec dudes so you will need to take natives to compensate for that, not too much of big deal Sustainability : slightly better than standard route cuz of the trickle and wood toggle you get from Yucatan cards, still even with full eco cards 7-8k resource per min This is the build order I see the most often on ladderĪge2(Tlaxcala) → Age3(San Luis Potosi) → Yucatan → Mexico You need to do some major damage with your first push or you will slowly lose steam if your opponent is on par with your skill. Starting resource : decent, I'm not very good at the game so I can only get 140-160k score by end of 40min, resource will run out fast if the fight is very intenseĪrmy strength : very good, Soldado overpop(use the card that turns Salteador into Soldado, 120 if no vil delete, 200 with full vil delete) + 12 Conquistadors + 16 Aztec dudes is a titanic army. Sustainability : decent, after 10-20 minutes of fight you should get out all the eco cards, around 7k resource per min at most Age2(Tlaxcala) → Age3(San Luis Potosi) → Age4(Guerrero) → Age5(Oaxaca)

Age of empires 2 basic build order